Wednesday, July 28, 2010

ASC billing - surgical coding crosswalk

Surgical Coding Crosswalk

Some payers will only accept the Surgical Code Crosswalk (ICD9 Volume 3). This code is used instead of the CPT code on the UB92 claim form. The crosswalk is published by Medicode. This crosswalk is based on the surgery section of the CPT and link to a data driven code.  To use this book, you would look up the CPT code numerically and the code will list the ICD-9 procedural code.  Many pain procedures fall into the same crosswalk code. For instance: Crosswalk code 03.91 crosswalks to single and continuous epidurals.  Many of the crosswalk codes are driven by the type of medication that is injected.  Once your billing system has been loaded with crosswalk codes, you should be able to simply link the payer to the claim form and choose crosswalk or CPT. 

11900 Scar Infiltration (up to 7) 99.29
11901 Scar Infiltration (over 7) 99.29
20550 Injection Tendon 81.92 Joint
83.97 Tendon
20552 Trigger Point 1 or 2 83.98 
20553 Trigger Points 3 or more 83.98 
20600 Small Joint Injection 81.91 Arthrocentesis
81.92 Injection of therapeutic substance into joint or ligament
82.92 Aspiration of bursa of hand
82.94 Injection of therapeutic substance into bursa of hand
82.95 Injection of therapeutic substance into tendon of hand
83.94 Aspiration of bursa
83.96 Injection of therapeutic substance into bursa 
20605 Medium Joint Injection 76.96 Injection of therapeutic substance into temporomandibular joint
81.91 Arthrocentesis
81.92 Injection of therapeutic substance into joint or ligament
83.94 Aspiration of bursa
83.96 Injection of therapeutic substance into bursa
20610 Large Joint Injection 81.91 Arthrocentesis
81.92 Injection of therapeutic substance into joint or ligament
83.94 Aspiration of bursa
83.96 Injection of therapeutic substance into bursa
27096 SI Joint Injection 81.92
99.23 Steroid
99.29 Other agent 
62263 Percutaneous lysis of adhesions 86.09 
62270 Spinal puncture lumbar 03.31 
62273 Blood Patch 03.95 
62280 Subarachnoid 03.8   Dest agent
03.92 Other 
62281 Epidural, cervical/Thoracic 03.8   Dest agent
03.92 Other 
62282 Epidural, lumbar/caudal 03.8   Dest agent
03.92 Other 
62287 Percutaneous Laser Discectomy 80.59 
62290 Discography, lumbar 03.92 + 87.22 
62291 Discography, cervical 03.92 + 87.24 
62310 Epidural cervical/thoracic. 03.91 Anesthestic
03.92 Other
62311 Epidural lumbar/sacral/caudal 03.91 Anesthestic
03.92 Other
62318 Inject. Incl.cath placement, continuous cervical/thoracic 03.9   Cath Insert
03.91 Anesthestic
03.92 Other
62319 Inject. Incl.cath placement, continuous Lumbar/sacral 03.9   Cath Insert
03.91 Anesthestic
03.92 Other
62350 Implant Catheter
62355 Remove implanted catheter
62361 Implant non-programmable pump
62362 Implant programmable pump  86.06 Insertion totally implanted pump
62365 Remove implanted pump
62367 Analysis pump w/o reprogram
62367-26 Analysis pump w/o reprogram
62368 Analysis pump with reprogram
62368-26 Analysis pump with reprogram
63650 Percutaneous implant neurolectrode 3.93
63660 Revision/remove electrode 03.21 Percutaneous chordotomy
03.32 Biopsy of spinal cord or spinal meninges
03.39 Other diagnostic procedures on spinal cord and spinal canal structures
03.4    Excision or destruction of lesion of spinal cord or spinal meninges
03.92 Injection of other agent into spinal canal
63685 Implant spinal transmitter 03.93 
63688 Revision/remove spinal transmitter 03.93 
64400 Trigeminal Nerve, any 04.81 
64402 Facial Nerve 04.81 
64405 Greater/lesser Occipital nerve 04.81 
64408 Vagus Nerve 04.81 
64410 Phrenic Nerve 04.81 
64412 Spinal Accessory Nerve 03.91 Anesth into spinal canal
04.81 Anesth into peripheral nerve
64413 Cervical Plexus 04.81 
64415 Brachial Plexus 04.81  
64417 Axillary Nerve Block 04.81  
64418 Suprascapular Nerve 04.81  
64420 Intercostal, single 04.81  
64421 Intercostal, multiple 04.81  
64425 Ilionguinal, Iliohypogastric Nerve 04.81  
64430 Pudental Nerve 04.81  
64445 Sciatic Nerve 04.81  
64450 Other peripheral 04.81  
64470 Facet, cerv./thoracic single 04.81  
64472 Facet, cervical/thoracic additional 04.81  
64475 Facet, lumbar/sacral single 04.81  
64476 Facet, lumbar/sacral additional 04.81  
64479 Transforaminal, epidural cerv/thor. 1st level 03.91 Aesthetic into spinal canal
03.92 Other 
64480 Transforaminal, epidural cerv/thor. Ea. Addt'l 03.91 Aesthetic into spinal canal
03.92 Other 
64483 Transforaminal epidural lumbar/sacral, 1st level 03.91 Aesthetic into spinal canal
03.92 Other 
64484 Transforaminal epidural lumbar/sacral ea. addt’l 03.91 Aesthetic into spinal canal
03.92 Other 
64505 Sphenopalatine 05.31 
64510 Stellate Ganglion 05.31 
64520 Lumbar sympathetic 05.31 
64530 Celiac Plexus 05.31 
64550 Tens application 04.19 
64600 Trigeminal Nerve, any 04.2 
64612 Sphenopalatine 04.2 
64613 Botox injection 04.2 
64620 Intercostal: destruct 04.2 
64622 Destruct Paravetebral Facet, lumbar single 04.2 
64623 Destruct Paravetebral Facet, lumbar ea. addt’l 04.2 
64626 Facet joint or facet joint nerve cerv/thor. 1st level 04.2 
64627 Facet joint or facet joint nerve cerv/thor, ea. add’l  04.2 
64640 Other peripheral 04.2 
64680 Celiac Plexus: destruct 05.32 Neurolync agent
05.39 Other 

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